Course Syllabus:
Meeting times: MW 5:00pm-6:15pm
Meeting place: Griffin 267
Final Exam: Monday December 8 from 4:30pm-7:15pm
Office hours:
MW 11:00 am - 12:30 pm
(or by appointment --
Class assignments:
Assignments have three parts A, B, and C.
A is a reading quiz due before class, B is due at midnight after class, and C is due at midnight after the following class. All assignments are collected electronically on CANVAS.
Course Description:
Graduate level introduction to basic theory of groups. Topics include groups, subgroups, homomorphisms, normality and quotient groups, isomorphism theorems, representation of finite abelian groups, normal series, the Sylow theory, and related topics.
Course text:
Abstract Algebra, 3rd edition by Dummit and Foote
Assignments Type B and C:
Solutions to Part C: